Insinc Products Blog

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  • Why you should know about bagasse products
    If you run a business and you often need disposable food service products – this post is for you.
    Posted: Monday 7 March 2016
  • How to prevent pollution in our waterways
    Water pollution is extremely harmful not only to us, but also to animals and water life. It leads to the disruption of food chains, diseases and even destruction of whole ecosystems.
    Posted: Tuesday 1 March 2016
  • Why we should switch to PLA (corn starch plastic)
    Last blog we talked about the benefits of using biodegradable cups – now we want to mention something very relevant: polylactic acid or, as people usually call it, corn starch plastic.
    Posted: Monday 22 February 2016
  • Why we should use biodegradable cups
    We toss billions of disposable cups into the trash each year, and what happens to them afterwards is not a secret: they end up at the landfill where they remain for years.
    Posted: Monday 15 February 2016
  • Toilet paper and the environment
    Did you know that according to the Natural Resources Defense Council if every American family replaced just one regular toilet paper roll with recycled paper, we would save 420 000 trees?
    Posted: Tuesday 9 February 2016
  • Paper towels and their effect on the environment
    When we think about paper towels, we don’t really think too much. They’re just there: in our kitchen, in our office, in our school, in our bathroom, in the restaurant we always visit and even in our car. Their main advantage is that they have so many different uses, but it turns out – this can also be a drawback.
    Posted: Friday 5 February 2016
  • Distinguishing Between Degradable, Biodegradable & Compostable Plastic
    Plastic comes in three forms and sometimes people tend to get confused – which is completely understandable. It’s important to comprehend how these terms are similar and also – how they differ, so we can apply the knowledge to our daily lives and benefit the environment.
    Posted: Monday 25 January 2016
  • Plastic bags: the enemies of the environment
    Between 500 billion to a trillion plastic bags are used worldwide each year – how does this sound?
    Posted: Monday 18 January 2016
  • Disinfectants
    Disinfectants: The How’s And Why’s Of A Clean Environment
    Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016
  • What is the difference between regular and recycled paper?
    Posted: Tuesday 22 December 2015
  • Septic tank smells
    Does your septic tank smell?
    Posted: Tuesday 15 December 2015
  • Phosphates 101: don’t play with fire
    Posted: Thursday 10 December 2015
  • Organic Cleaner
    Are you looking for an organic certified cleaner with food safety approval?
    Posted: Wednesday 22 July 2015
  • Have you bought a car that smells of cigarette smoke?
    Posted: Wednesday 22 July 2015
  • I get a lot of enquiries from people looking for biodegradable hot cups that are white and therefore suitable for your own logo
    Posted: Tuesday 17 February 2015

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