The Importance of Workplace Sanitary Bins: Why They’re Essential for Safety and Hygiene
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When it comes to workplace safety and hygiene, it is vital to provide proper sanitary facilities for employees. Sanitary bins are essential for the hygienic disposal of feminine hygiene products, helping to reduce the spread of germs and other contaminants while also promoting a comfortable and safe working environment.
What is a Sanitary Bin and Why Is It Important?
Sanitary bins are specialized containers designed for the hygienic disposal of feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads, and can be used for other items such as incontinence pads, nappies, plasters and face masks. Sanitary bins are typically found in bathrooms and common areas within a workplace, providing employees with easy access to safe and hygienic disposal methods.
The importance of sanitary bins lies in their ability to reduce the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of germs. By disposing of feminine hygiene products in the appropriate sanitary bins, employees can help minimize exposure to bacteria and other contaminants. Additionally, providing sanitary bins helps promote a pleasant and comfortable working environment by reducing odours associated with improper disposal methods. With opening and closing flaps they are a discrete disposal system.
Proper Placement of Sanitary Bins
For optimal results, sanitary bins should be placed in high-traffic areas that are easily accessible to employees. This includes bathrooms (including gender neutral bathrooms), common areas, and anywhere else where feminine hygiene products may need to be disposed of. It is also important to consider the number of bins needed according to the size and population of your workplace. A lack of sanitary bins can lead to embarrassment when not available and increase the chance of hygiene products being flushed down the toilet.
Additionally, it is important to ensure that the bins are properly labelled and identifiable. This helps to minimize confusion and ensure that employees know where to dispose of their feminine hygiene products.
Regular Cleaning and Disposal Practices
In order for the sanitary bins to remain effective, they must be regularly emptied and cleaned. Regularly emptying the bins prevents the buildup of odours and bacteria, while also minimizing the spread of germs and other contaminants.
It is important to use appropriate disposal methods for the bin liners themselves. Bags should be securely tied and disposed off with your usual rubbish waste.
Sanitary waste causes toilet blockages
Sanitary waste, if not properly disposed of in sanitary bins, can cause serious toilet blockages. This can lead to costly repairs and even the potential for sewage overflow into the workplace and surrounding environment.
Employers should ensure that the bins are regularly emptied and cleaned to prevent any buildup of sanitary waste to promote usage.
A designated and discrete sanitary unit encourages customers and staff to use the bin rather than flushing sanitary waste down the toilet.
Sanitary bins are essential for the hygienic disposal of feminine hygiene products, helping to reduce the spread of germs and other contaminants while also promoting a comfortable and pleasant working environment. By following the proper placement, cleaning, and disposal practices of the bins, employers can help to ensure workplace safety and hygiene as well as reduce costly toilet blockages.
Self-Service Sanitary Units
It is no longer necessary to pay costly contract fees to have an outside contractor come and service your Sanitary Bins. With various options in self-service units available that are discrete and hygenic is it easy and quick to remove the waste. Cleaners can quickly empty and clean these sanitary bins during their current cleaning cycle.
Sanitary Waste is classified as general waste in New Zealand and can be disposed of with your usual rubbish destined for landfill. As sanitary products are regular household waste , there are no further regulations for workplace bathrooms.
Sanitary Bio Units
A sanitary unit like Sanitary Bio Units has the refill bag attached to the lid. When the bag is full, simply lift the lid with the bag, out of the bin and dispose of with your usual waste. This is simple, hygenic and discrete (no need to see the contents).
Disbin Sanitary Units (No Longer Available)
A disposable sanitary unit like Disbin is as simple as picking up the whole bin and throwing out (no need to empty). This unique cardboard unit, has a discrete 'shoot/flap' in the lid and no plastic bags are required.
Pod Petite Sanitary Bins
The Pod Petite systems has options of manual or automatic opening units and have continuous bags that rip off and tie. There is no need to handle the waste product.
Contact us for the right solution for your business Ph: 0508 467 462
Posted: Friday 27 January 2023